Matthew Hildebrandt
Creative Leader
Matthew is dedicated to helping others by sharing insights and creative solutions that improve the lives of cats and their owners. Through his thoughtful strategies, he highlights the benefits of catios for feline health, safety, and happiness while fostering deeper connections between people and their pets.
Written by Matthew Hildebrandt
No More Wandering: The Story of a Life-Saving Catio
After heartbreak and loss, this family transformed their backyard into a safe and joyful sanctuary for their beloved cats.

Paul and Cathie’s Catio Tale in Yuma, Arizona
Paul and Cathie’s journey to building a catio started with loss for their multi-cat family. In October 2023, they experienced a sudden disappearance of two of their beloved cats. Then in December 2023, loss struck again when two more of their cats wandered off and never returned. Paul and Cathie were heartbroken and devastated. They had many questions, as any cat owner would. In their search for two of their cats, they learned that there were unhappy neighbors who expressed frustration with free-roaming cats, and that someone in their town was finding free-roaming pets and releasing them elsewhere.
Paul and Cathie realized they needed to make some adjustments for their multi-cat family. As a result, this series of events forced them to make the difficult decision to stop letting their cats roam freely outdoors. Safety became a priority. After making the decision to keep all 12 cats inside the home, they quickly learned that this was not sustainable. Determined to find a safe way to provide their cats with secure outdoor access, Paul and Cathie began exploring the idea of creating an outdoor space that would ensure no more loss. They had seen catios on YouTube and Facebook and knew a friend who had built a catio. Their interest peaked, and they began their own journey of finding the catio that was just right for their family.

Humans Behind the Catio
Paul is a military veteran, and his wife Cathie is a full-time registered nurse. They are lifelong cat lovers. Growing up, both had cats throughout their youth and developed a deep love and care for animals. Over the years, they fostered and adopted multiple cats, often falling in love with the cats they intended to help temporarily. Their lifestyle revolves around their cats, whom they lovingly refer to as their “kids.” Like any parents, they want to keep their “kids” safe from the dangers of the outdoors.
Living in Yuma, Arizona, their cats face threats from predators such as coyotes, owls, and snakes. These risks, combined with the actions of untrustworthy neighbors, heightened Paul and Cathie’s concerns about their cats’ safety.

The Cats
Paul and Cathie share their home with 12 cats; hoping to find 2 others to make it 14. Regardless, each cat, all from the humane society, has a unique personality and beautiful story:
- Grandpa (Eugene): At 17-years-old, Grandpa is the elder statesman of the group. A domestic shorthair with a love for lounging and eating, he’s affectionately known as the “old man” who still is able to keep up with the rest of the bunch.
- Little Girl (LG): The only female of the feline family. She is a 13-year-old, feisty tabby who keeps her brothers in check as she wishes she was the only cat in the house. She is more introverted and enjoys the comfort of her own space. She’s fiercely independent and follows Cathie everywhere.
- Archie (Sweet Archie): Is a 12-year-old street-smart domestic short hair cat who still prefers exploring outdoors. He is quite adventurous by nature but does enjoy some inside time hanging out with his sister, LG.
- Arthur (Arfur): Is a 6-year-old domestic short hair orange tabby with some peculiarities. He only accepts a “2 pet” interaction with his human family but has a social side with his feline family.
- Charlee: Known for his sleepy demeanor, this 4-year-old domestic short hair orange tabby is well regarded in their household. He is a bit of a roamer which led to his disappearance on New Year’s Eve but thankfully was found 10 months later.
- Boogers (Boogaloo): Sweet Booger was aptly named due to his permanent eye booger and constant runny nose. 3-year-old Booger, who is a domestic short hair, has struggled with chronic health issues, including eye diseases, hip problems, and some vision issues as he is cross-eyed. While he faces many challenges, Boogers continue to thrive and is inseparable from Grandpa.
- Jinxy (Jinxy Boy): Is a food connoisseur. He is a sweet 3-year-old skinny black cat who is insatiable. He loves his food, naps, and enjoys observing his parents cook. He is observant, loves high spaces, and avoids conflict with his siblings at all costs.
- Bobbie (Bobcat): Also aptly named, sweet Bobbie is a 2-year-old with a “bob tail,” loves to parkour off every wall and is full of endless energy. His rambunctious side led to his very frequent involvement in 99% of the fights while his natural curiosity led to him discovering how to open doors.
- Smuckers (Smucks) & Peanut (Sweet Pea): These little peas in a pod are both 2-year-old siblings which led to their names since they go together like peanut butter and jelly. They were found in a park and ended up following Paul and Cathie home; they were inseparable ever since. Smuckers is feisty with lots of attitude, while Peanut is sweet, loving, and affectionate. These two are both adventurous and are constantly trying to go out and roam the neighborhood.
- Teddy (Teddy Loo): A 6-month-old fluff ball who naps anywhere and everywhere, loves crunchy treats, and is tubby buddies with his brother Arthur.
- Sammy (the Baby): Sweet Sammy. Sammy is a 6-month-old Siamese kitten and Paul’s shadow, Sammy is cross-eyed and has a knack for napping on the spot. He is best buds with Teddy and Jinxy.

The Catio Journey
Paul and Cathie had seen catios on YouTube and Facebook and talked with their neighbor who had a catio. Since their urgency had grown since their loss of their 4 cats in a matter of 2 months, Paul and Cathie quickly created a clear vision of what they wanted. They didn’t want the structure to look like a generic box; they wanted it to blend seamlessly with their home. Paul expressed a strong preference towards an A-frame roof on the catio to match their house’s design. Functionality and aesthetics were equally important, as was ensuring enough space for all 12 of their cats. Importantly, each cat’s personality and quirks influenced the catio’s design. For example, they wanted structures in place that were supportive of their cats’ needs like having gradual ramps for the older cats, tunnels for the more energetic cats, and high shelves for their cats who love to climb.
Once their vision was clear, they decided to move forward. Paul and Cathie connected with a catio specialist, Sky, at Cat Topia in September 2024. Shortly after, their custom catio of their dreams was completed in just 2 months, with construction taking just 2 weeks.
The final design was just what Paul and Cathie wanted. Their catio features an A-frame roof, tunnels connecting two separate enclosures, appropriately sized ramps, and multiple shelves at varying heights to accommodate the cats’ diverse needs. The structure is built with particular fencing to ensure no birds or small animals can enter and no cats can escape. Thus creating the most safe, comfortable, accessible, and entertaining outdoor environment for their cats.

Life with the Catio
Once the catio was completed, the cats took some time to get them to explore their new space. Paul and Cathie placed 2 of their cats in one of the enclosures to show them it was safe, and soon, the others followed. Now, the catio is the cat’s favorite place to be. For example, Paul notes that Grandpa loves lounging in the first tunnel, while Bobbie and Charlee treat the tunnels as their personal parkour course.
The impact on the cats has been profound. The younger ones, who had never been allowed outside, have fallen in love with their newfound outdoor freedom. The entire cat family is happier and more relaxed; they are no longer tearing up furniture or drapes out of boredom due to prolonged indoor time. The cats are free to exercise and safely get their energy out with consistent access to the catio. Nights in the catio have become a personal favorite to many of the cats.
As for Paul and Cathie, the catio has brought peace of mind. They no longer have to worry about daily headcounts or potential dangers of predators and free-roaming. They can relax, be more present with their cats, and bond even more. Paul and Cathie enjoy watching their cats play and explore in their new safe environment.

Paul and Cathie’s journey to building a catio is a testament to their love and dedication to their multi-cat family. Their advice to others considering a catio is to prioritize your cats’ needs and don’t wait until something bad happens to make the decision. They emphasize the importance of designing a structure that is safe, functional, and tailored to your home and lifestyle.
For Paul and Cathie, the catio has been life-changing. It has not only improved their cats’ well-being but also strengthened their bond with all their cats. They no longer have to worry about losing more cats or cleaning up after their cats engage in their hunting escapades. The neighbors have given them high praise and compliments on the design and also express a sense of joy for the whole family. Paul and Cathie love knowing that now moving forward, their cats will continue to remain safe and secure and be able to truly live their best lives thanks to the catio.
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