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Custom Catio Service

Let Us Design, Create and Build Your Catio

Step 1: Inquiry
Step 1: Inquiry
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Ready to begin creating your dream catio?
It begins by sending us your vision. After submission, we make sure to review your inquiry thoroughly.

Scheduling a Phone Call: We work around your schedule so after filling out our forum, you'll be directed to schedule a phone call with a time that works best for you! One of our team members will get in touch with the time you select to discuss your catio vision!

Slide 2: Conceptual Design
Step 2: Conceptual Design
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Creating Your Catio Design: Once we have obtained the proper information our team will work with you to create the catio you and your cats desire! The design package includes a scaled floor plan and specifications like catio size, enclosure location and a general material list. Further details may be specified if client chooses to add upgrades.
Design Time: Our design completion time depends on the complexity of your catio.

Step 3: Building the Catio
Step 3: Building The Catio
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Our team of highly skilled carpenters and project managers work together at the job site until the catio is complete.
We provide a smooth, safe and enjoyable building experience where you can sit back, relax and watch your catio come to life.
Within a matter of days, your area turns into a magical cat sanctuary that you and your cats will enjoy for years to come!

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Cat Tunnel Services

Our outdoor cat tunnel service is extended to customers within the United States. For customers outside of Colorado, it is important to take specific measurements in order to ensure a proper custom tunnel. If the tunnels extend more than 5 feet, we have to add a post hole into the ground. Therefore, it’s important to note if it’s safe to dig in the area where a post hole will go for a tunnel.  

catio with outdoor cat tunnel system

Catio Cost Overview