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Dog-Proof Your Catio: 5 Strategies for Protecting Your Cat

Keep Your Cat Safe from Dogs in a Catio

Strategy 1: Install a Physical Barrier

One of the most effective ways to keep your cat safe from your dog in a catio is to install a physical barrier between the two animals. This can be a fence or a wall that your dog cannot climb or jump over. It’s important to choose a material that is sturdy and can withstand the weight of your dog if they try to lean or jump against it. Some options to consider include wood, metal, or PVC fencing.

cats with dog catio

Choosing the Right Material for Your Barrier

When selecting a material for your physical barrier, consider the climate and weather conditions in your area. For example, wood may not be the best choice if you live in a rainy or humid climate, as it can rot over time. Metal or PVC fencing may be more durable in these conditions. It’s also important to consider the style and appearance of the barrier, as it will be a visible part of your landscape. If you prefer a natural look, you can opt for a wooden fence and apply a weather-resistant finish to protect it from the elements. If you want a more modern look, metal or PVC fencing may be a better option.

Make Sure the Barrier is Tall Enough

It’s important to make sure the barrier is tall enough to prevent your dog from reaching over or through it to get to your cat. A good rule of thumb is to make the barrier at least as tall as your dog when they are standing on their hind legs. This will help prevent them from being able to jump over or reach through the barrier. If you have a larger dog or your catio is located on the ground floor, you may want to make the barrier even taller to provide extra protection. You can also consider installing a sloping or angled top to the barrier to make it more difficult for your dog to climb or jump over.

*This strategy is for any catios that have open roofs without fencing

Strategy 2: Use a Separate Entrance for Your Catio

Another way to dog-proof your catio is to have a separate entrance for the catio that only your cat can access. This will prevent your dog from following your cat into the catio and potentially causing harm.

Choose a Secure and Convenient Entrance

It’s important to make sure the entrance to your catio is secure and your cat can easily come and go as they please. Consider using a door or gate that is specifically designed to keep dogs out. You may also want to consider installing a motion sensor or alarm system to alert you if your dog tries to enter the catio. This can be especially helpful if you are not always able to supervise your pets. Make sure the entrance is large enough for your cat to comfortably pass through, and consider installing a door flap or screen to keep out insects and other pests.

Make the Entrance Visible and Accessible to Your Cat

It’s also a good idea to make the entrance to the catio visible and accessible to your cat. This will help them find their way in and out of the catio more easily. Consider placing a scratching post or other visual marker near the entrance to help your cat locate it. You may also want to place a ramp or stairs to make it easier for your cat to access the entrance, especially if they are elderly or have mobility issues. Make sure the ramp or stairs are sturdy and secure, and consider installing a handrail or other safety features to prevent falls. You can also train your cat to use the entrance by providing treats or other rewards when they use it correctly.

painted catio with tunnel and roof

Strategy 3: Keep Your Dog Leashed or Fenced

To further protect your cat from your dog, you can keep your dog leashed or confined to a specific area of the backyard. This will allow you to keep a close eye on your dog and intervene if they start to act aggressively towards your cat.

Use a Leash or Harness to Control Your Dog

When supervising your pets, use a leash or harness to control your dog’s movement and prevent them from chasing or harassing your cat. Make sure the leash or harness is secure and fits properly to prevent your dog from slipping out or getting loose. You can also use a long line or retractable leash to give your dog more freedom while still being able to intervene if necessary.

Confine Your Dog to a Specific Area

If you are unable to supervise your pets or your dog has a history of aggression towards your cat, you may want to consider confining your dog to a specific area of the backyard. This can be done using a fence or gate to create a separate enclosure for your dog. Make sure the enclosure is large enough for your dog to move around and have access to water and shelter, but small enough to prevent them from chasing or harassing your cat. You can also consider using a crate or indoor pen to confine your dog when you are not home.

Strategy 4: Provide Plenty of Vertical Space for Your Cat

Cats are natural climbers and feel more secure when they have the ability to retreat to a high place if needed. By providing plenty of vertical space in your catio, such as perches, cat trees, and shelving, your cat will have a safe place to retreat to if they feel threatened by your dog. This will also give your cat more opportunities to explore and play, which can help reduce stress and increase their overall well-being.

cat on outdoor cat tree

Choose Durable and Safe Vertical Structures

When selecting vertical structures for your catio, choose ones that are sturdy and can withstand your cat’s weight and activity level. Look for structures made of strong, durable materials such as wood or metal, and make sure they are anchored securely to prevent them from tipping over. Avoid structures with small, unstable platforms or sharp edges that could cause injury to your cat.

Provide a Variety of Heights and Surfaces

Cats enjoy climbing to different heights and exploring different surfaces, so it’s a good idea to provide a variety of options in your catio. This can include perches of different heights, climbing poles, and cat trees with multiple levels. You can also provide shelves, window seats, and other elevated surfaces for your cat to rest on. Make sure there is plenty of space for your cat to move around and explore, and consider adding scratching posts and other interactive toys to keep them entertained.

Strategy 5: Train Your Dog to Respect Your Cat's Boundaries

Finally, it’s important to train your dog to respect your cat’s boundaries and not try to chase or harm them. This can be done through positive reinforcement training and setting clear boundaries for your dog.

Use Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is a effective way to teach your dog new behaviors and reinforce good habits. Use treats, praise, and other rewards to encourage your dog to behave appropriately around your cat. You can also use a clicker or other training tool to mark the moment when your dog performs the desired behavior. When training your dog to respect your cat’s boundaries, focus on commands such as “leave it” or “no” that can be used to interrupt inappropriate behavior.

Set Clear Boundaries for Your Dog

In addition to training, it’s important to set clear boundaries for your dog to help them understand what is expected of them. This can include establishing designated areas for your dog and your cat, and using gates or barriers to separate them if necessary. You can also use leashes, harnesses, or other restraints to control your dog’s movement and prevent them from chasing or harassing your cat. It’s important to consistently enforce these boundaries and intervene if necessary to prevent any incidents from occurring.


In conclusion, there are several strategies you can use to dog-proof your catio and keep your cat safe from your dog. By installing a physical barrier, using a separate entrance for the catio, keeping your dog leashed or confined to a specific area of the backyard, providing plenty of vertical space for your cat, and training your dog to respect your cat’s boundaries, you can create a safe and enjoyable space for both of your beloved pets. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can help your dog and cat coexist peacefully in the same home.