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Catio DIY | Cat Topia Design Services

Transform Your Space into a Cat Paradise

Step 1: Custom Catio Design

  • Detailed Blueprints: Receive precision-crafted blueprints tailored to your specific space, ensuring your catio fits perfectly and maximizes your area’s potential.
  • Personalized to Your Space: Our design team works closely with you to incorporate your unique requirements and preferences, making each catio design as individual as your furry friend.

Step 2: Comprehensive Breakdown Documents

  • Step-by-Step Guides: Access in-depth, easy-to-understand guides that lead you through each phase of the catio building process, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.
  • Visual Diagrams and Instructions: Benefit from clear, annotated diagrams and step-by-step instructions that simplify the construction process, making it accessible even for DIY beginners.
Wildcat Point Catio Design Photo
window catio design by cat topia

Step 3: Instructional Videos

  • Step-by-Step Guides: Access in-depth, easy-to-understand guides that lead you through each phase of the catio building process, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.
  • Visual Diagrams and Instructions: Benefit from clear, annotated diagrams and step-by-step instructions that simplify the construction process, making it accessible even for DIY beginners.

Step 4: Essential Materials List

  • Comprehensive Checklist of Required Items: Avoid guesswork with our detailed list of all necessary materials, ensuring you have everything you need before starting your project.
  • Recommendations for Tools and Supplies: Get advice on the best tools and materials for the job, sourced from our experience in catio construction, to guarantee quality and durability in your build.
  • Lumber List: Cat Topia will make sure to provide a general lumber list for the project so you know what to order. 


Understanding Our Pricing: $12 Per Square Foot

At Cat Topia, we believe in transparency and simplicity when it comes to pricing our DIY catio designs. Our pricing structure is straightforward: $12 per square foot. This clear-cut approach allows you to easily calculate the cost for your DIY catio project, ensuring that you get the best value for your specific needs.

How It Works:

  • Calculate the Size: First, determine the size of the catio you envision. Whether it’s a compact spot for lounging or an expansive playground, we cater to all sizes.
  • Easy Estimation: Multiply the total square footage of your desired catio by $12. For example, a 30 square foot catio would be 30 sq ft × $12/sq ft = $360.
  • Flexibility for Changes: Our per-square-foot pricing model allows you to adjust the size of your catio even during the planning phase, giving you the flexibility to scale your project up or down according to your needs.


  • Small Catio or Window Catio (25 sq ft): Ideal for tight spaces – $300
  • Medium Catio (50 sq ft): Perfect for a balance of space and coziness – $600
  • Large Catio (100 sq ft): A spacious haven for your feline friends – $1,200

Your Vision, Your Budget: With our transparent pricing, you’re in control of the budget. Design a catio that not only meets your cat’s needs but also aligns with your financial comfort.

Let us help you create a safe, enjoyable, and affordable outdoor haven for your beloved pet. Start planning your dream catio with Cat Topia today!

cat topia review cat enclosure photo