Rural Hall, North Carolina Catio Service
Skilled Catio Builders and Designers
Cat Topia Services Rural Hall, NC
Also Servicing Nearby Cities & Towns
- ✓ Rural Hall
- ✓ Winston-Salem
- ✓ King
- ✓ Tobaccoville
- ✓ Walkertown
- ✓ Walnut Cove
- Cat Topia employs experienced designers that work with the customer to create the best cat enclosure.
- Minimal catio build price in Rural Hall, North Car0lina is $6,000.
- For more information about our catio services, click here.

Catio Pricing in Rural Hall, North Carolina
Let us build your cat patio from ground up!
Avg. $100-$500 per square foot depending on ad-ons, size and the enclosures complexity.

Local Builds Across Rural Hall, NC
Explore the charm and practicality of our custom catio builds, skillfully designed and crafted with care in Rural Hall, NC. Each project is tailored to meet the individual preferences and requirements of our clients, offering secure and stylish outdoor spaces for their beloved cats. Whether you prefer sleek, contemporary designs or warm, nature-inspired sanctuaries, our catios are thoughtfully created to complement their surroundings while enhancing your property’s appeal. Join us as we showcase some of the most remarkable and inventive designs we’ve brought to life, highlighting our dedication to exceptional craftsmanship, innovation, and the joy of cats.